Graduate Assistantships -- Student Information and Resources

Where to Find a Graduate Assistantship

The best way to find a Graduate Assistantship in your academic degree program is to ask your graduate program director or academic advisor.

For Graduate Assistantships in other areas of the university, please check:

Graduate Assistantship Job Openings

Student Employment Electronic Job Board.


Mandatory New Graduate Assistant Orientation

All graduate assistants are required to attend a New Graduate Assistant Orientation prior to the semester in which they start their GA position.

The Winter 2025 New GA Orientation will be held in 138E DeVos Center, Pew Grand Rapids Campus, on Friday, January 3, 2025, at 3:00 PM. 

Please Register Here

Important Information for Graduate Assistant Supervisors

As a Graduate Assistant Supervisor, your main points of contact are the Graduate School and the Office of Student Employment. Please contact the Graduate School if you have any questions regarding your GA’s contract, hours, stipend, tuition waiver, or responsibilities. You must contact the Graduate School immediately if your GA resigns their position, or if the GA is in danger of termination.

Please review the Top Ten List: What a GA Supervisor Should Know for important information regarding your responsibilities as a GA supervisor. Further information may be found in the Graduate Assistantship Appointment Policy and Procedures section of the Graduate Education Policies and Procedures Manual.

New GA Supervisors are required to attend New GA Supervisor Orientation which will be held before the start of each semester.

Page last modified February 6, 2025